Video security system is inseparable & mandatory part of a home now. For today’s fast life when a couple have no choice but go out for work have peace of mind when they leave their near & dear at home due to the home security system or a CCTV installed back in their bedroom or living room. CCTV cameras or home security systems are so affordable & effective and moreover when VELA CCTV takes the responsibility of deploying the service at home then there is no question of thinking otherwise. Here are four most common reasons homeowners install video security system.
1. Monitor Children
When your children are left home without adult supervision you can keep a watch on them through your smartphone real time what is happening to them or they are back home safe from school or college.
2. Check On Your Pets
You may be worried how your four legged furry friends are spending their times back in home. Your video security system allows you to use your phone to check in on your pets how they are doing.
3. Stop Crime
A CCTV video security camera outside your main door will allow you to keep an watch who is on your doorstep. For today’s situation everybody is vulnerable to crime. So, our guardian of law & order “Kolkata Police”, one of the clients of VELACCTV, also prompts us to install video security system outside our main door.
4. Watch Aging Loved Ones
If you have aging parents or loved ones living alone, security cameras in their home can be a great way to make sure they are OK.